måndag 15 februari 2016

Shaker card tip :-)

Hi Y'all!

Today I am not going to share a card, as usual, with you. Instead, I am going to share a few tips regarding shaker cards :-)

They are pretty cool, and can be made in soooo many ways. I have just started to develop my passion for shaker cards, and there is somuch out there. Specialty tools, pockets, silverflakes, mica beads... they all cost a bit, especially if you want a few different colors. Maybe you just want to try it out and se if you like it??? 

Ok, here goes...

Decrations, to fill up the shaker pocket:

1. If you want silverflakes in your shakers. Use aluminum foil! I just tare small, irregular pieces, and pop into my cards. Just make sure they are small enough.

2. Glitter. Use cheap glitter. No need to only use the more expensive brands if you find a nice cheaper alternative in the childrens toy section in the supermarket... or maybe on ebay (just make sure to check the amount  you get because sometimes the packs are small, so make sure it tells you how much is in the auction)

3. Mica beads (these lovely guys does not have any hole in them. They look like tiny balls of glass. I buy these super cheap on ebay. This is where I bought them: http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&id=121773354788&alt=web 
I have used white opaque, and the really light blue one, with rainbow shine to it. They are awesome to create a snowy effect ;-)

4. Sequins. these guys, just like glitters can be found in so many places. I have  bought some off ebay. In the image above, I have used blue and silver star shaped sequins. They are only 3 mm in size. I have also bought 4 mm classic, round sequins with a rainbow shine to them.

Ok, let's get on with it and take a look at the shaker card pocket itself:

There is no need to buy expensive machinery if you just want to make a few cards, or try it out and see if you like it. What you might need is this:

1. Acetate. The clear plastic in the front. Could be bought or maybe you can use some old packaging..?

2. If you wan the pocket to have dimension to it, so the filling easily moves around, you need something to create the space. Could be a piece of foam sheet, some foam tape or something like that.

3. A nice glue! Something that will hold the actate really good. I do not recommend a glue gun because it is to difficult to get it smooth all the way around. It bulks up, and looks... not very nice, at least when I have tried it. I use some all purpose glue from the hardware store, that is ment to hold plastic. Then just make sure to get it closed completely, so that nothing sneaks out a small hole somewhere :-)

4. when it comes to shaping it all, you can use almost anything... a die cutting machine (sizzix big shot, cuttlebug...) and some shaped dies in the sizes you like will work fine. It is also possible to cut it wih scissors. You could use an electronic cutting machine if you have one of those (like silhouette cameo, portrait or curio, or from another brand...) you do not need any special tools to make shaker cards, and then, if you like it, you can buy them later on.

Feeling like you wanna give it a go now? Good Luck and happy crafting!

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